Phone us on 07849 722670

About Us


Welcome to the website for St Michael’s Pre-School located in the  warm and friendly village of Hilperton, Wiltshire.

We hope you find all the information you need about our pre-school here but please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, queries or something you are not sure about – we’re happy to help.

Our Home

Pre-school sessions run in our bespoke building, newly built and opened in September 2017,  situated in the grounds of the Village Hall in Whaddon Lane, Hilperton where we have access to lots of outside play areas as well as our very own allotment.

We offer sessions for 3/4 year old children from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm, Monday to Friday during a 38 week academic year.  In addition to this we have 2 separate morning sessions a week, 9.00 to 12.00 pm on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays, specifically for 2 year old children in their own appropriately equipped room.

Our Staff

Our members of staff are from the local area and many are parents whose children have attended St. Michael’s Pre-school.  A high adult to child ratio is essential in providing good quality pre-school care and education.  In our pre-school we have at least one member of staff to each six children in 3 and 4 year old sessions, and one member of staff to each four children in 2 year old sessions.  All staff  have been cleared through enhanced checking of the Disclosure and Barring Service.  Our staff regularly attend short courses to enhance their knowledge, understanding and practices within the Early Years environment.  A full list of their training and qualification is available at the pre-school.