Pre-School Learning Alliance Constitution 2008
As members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance, we have adopted the Pre-School Learning Alliance Constitution, which was created by the PLA under the Charity Commission. To read this document please click on the link below. There is a signed copy held by the committee chair.
Pre-School Constitution 2008
Join the Parent Committee!
St. Michael’s Pre-school has a parent-run committee which needs you!
We welcome new parents to become involved and you are invited to attend a taster meeting with prior arrangement with the Chairperson.
Our committee this year has the following members-
Victoria Pearmain – Chair
Pam Turner – Treasurer
Sam Temple – Secretary
Sophie Neagu – Social Media
Christine O’Doherty – Trustee/Safe-guarding lead
Ottilie Culloty – Trustee
Hannah Phillips – Trustee
What is the purpose of the pre-school committee?
The pre-school parent-led committee is responsible for the overall management and smooth running of the pre-school. This can mean anything from organising a fundraising event to negotiating with the parish council. The committee is the employer of staff in the pre-school and so has overall responsibility for recruiting, training and developing staff, paying their salaries and managing their contracts. The committee also has responsibility for things like developing a new business plan, managing the daily accounts and working with staff, ensuring the setting follows health and safety, risk assessment, insurance and first aid guidance. As our pre-school is a registered charity, all committee members automatically become trustees of the charity. Further information can be viewed on the Charity Commission website.
Parents as Trustees
Research shows clear benefits for children when parents become actively involved in their child’s learning and development. Volunteering for the committee offers an ideal opportunity to be more involved. Parents also find benefits for themselves including meeting other parents, updating skills and learning new ones, as well as putting something back into the local community.
Please consider joining the committee and becoming a little more involved in the life of your pre-school. Without the support of its parent committee, St. Michael’s Pre-School will not be able to continue. It has always been the high level of parental involvement that has helped make us so special.
If you would like to become a member of our committee please ask a member of staff for more information or send us an email via our contact page.
As a Charity who try to keep their fees as low as possible, fundraising is an essential part of preschool. Money raised from fundraising events such as our Christmas nativity and summer fete pay for resources for the children. We aim to have at least four key fundraising events throughout the year.