Phone us on 07849 722670


Registration Information

At this time St. Michael’s Pre-school has a waiting list for two-year-old sessions and some three year old sessions. It is best to place your child on the waiting list as soon as possible so you have a better chance of obtaining a place. If you would like to place your child on the waiting list or find out about available sessions, please contact the pre-school on 07849 722670 or download an APPLICATION FORM and return to pre-school at the address on the bottom of the form. ENQUIRY AND APPLICATION FORM TO JOIN


Admissions Policy

It is our intention to make our Pre-school genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. In order to accomplish this, we will:

  • We arrange our waiting list from the date of receiving application forms.
  • Our setting and its practices are welcoming and make it clear that all guardians are welcome.
  • Monitor the gender and ethnic background of children joining the group to ensure that no accidental discrimination is taking place.
  • Make our Equal Opportunities Policy widely known.
  • Be flexible about attendance patterns so as to accommodate the needs of individual children and families.
  • Temporary places may be offered, dependent on availability, at the discretion of the committee.
  • Children moving from 2 year old sessions to 3 year old sessions will be guaranteed one session with the possibility of more depending on availability.