Phone us on 07849 722670

Opening Hours & Fees

Opening Hours and Fees

In our newly built pre-school we are offering Early Years Education to 2, 3 and 4 year old children.

 Our sessions run as follows:

 2 year old sessions (maximum of 12 children) in our specially designated 2 year old room:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings    9.00 to 12.00 noon

Children are welcome to attend more than one session a week.
If demand is high we have the potential to offer more sessions.

For 3 and 4 year old Children the pre-school is open from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm with sessions offered as shown below

Monday to Friday   9.00 am to 12.00 noon and 12.30 to 3.30 pm

These sessions are available for utilising government entitlement funding – 15 hours/week from the funding period after a child’s 3rd birthday and an additional 15 hours/week for those families that are eligible.

Visit to check your eligibility.

Lunch Times   12pm – 12:30 pm

You have the option for your child to bring a packed lunch and be with us over the lunch period.  This time can be added to a morning or afternoon session if your child is only attending one session within a day.   There is an additional cost of £3.50 for this (please see fee structure information).

This structure of provision has been designed to offer parents the maximum flexibility for placing their children in our pre-school with the minimum disruption in a child’s educational day.

Fee Structure

2 year olds        9.00 to 12.00 pm                £22.50/3 hour session

3–4 year olds    Non-funded/non-eligible       £19.50/3 hour session

3–4 year olds    Lunchtime 12.00-12.30pm    £3.50

The funding entitlement grant does not include a supplement for day to day extras such as healthy snacks, the continuous use of our allotment and in addition the use of the village hall for events such as the nativity performance and sports day we therefore make a charge of 75p per session for children utilising their funding entitlement.

During each session children are provided with a healthy snack which includes a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, crackers or toasted wholemeal bread, cheese and whole milk. We do of course accommodate children with special dietary needs.

We find that having snack time together provides the children with:

  • The opportunity to socialise and interact with adults and peers
  • Encouragement to communicate and extend vocabulary
  • Encouragement for table manners and etiquette
  • The opportunity to try a variety of healthy foods
  • The opportunity to use cutlery and pouring jugs which encourages hand/eye co-ordination and independence
  • The opportunity to develop maths and literacy skills

We have our own allotment where we grow fresh fruit and vegetables and children are encouraged to embrace gardening and grow their own produce for harvesting. The allotment provides all children the opportunity to learn throughout the EYFS Framework (the Early Years Foundation Stage)

Remember that for most families fees can be paid utilising the government tax free childcare provision or childcare vouchers, this  means only 80% of any charges made will be payable by the family.  For more information on tax free childcare please visit

A registration fee of £25 is payable on registration of your child’s place at the Pre-School.