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Pre-School Policies and Procedures

The following is a list of the policies and procedures adopted by St Michael’s Pre-School Hilperton.  They are reviewed regularly and amended as required.

The pre-school’s current Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Lindsay Gadd.

Please click on the required policy to view as a downloaded pdf document:-



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1.1 Childrens rights and entitlements.docx
Safe Guarding and Child Protections Policy 1.2
1.3 Looked after children
1.4 Uncollected Child .docx
1.5 Missing Child.docx (1)
1.6 Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras
1.7 Pandemic Policy and procedures
2.1 Employment
2.1.1 Code of Conduct Policy
2.2 Staff Supervisory
2.3 Student Placements .docx
6.1 Administering medicines
3.1 Induction of Employees and Volunteers
3.2 First Aid
4.1 The role of the key person and settling-in
5.1 Staffing.
6.1 Administering medicines -.docx (3)
6.2 Managing children who are sick, infectious, or with allergies
6.3 Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents –
6.4 Nappy changing
6.5 Food and drink
6.6 Food hygiene
7.1 Promoting positive behaviour
8.1 Health and safety general standards
8.2 Maintaining children’s safety and security on premises
8.3 Supervision of children on outings and visits .docx
8.4 Risk assessment
8.5 Fire safety and emergency evacuation
8.6 Animals in the setting – 08-06-2022 .docx (3)
8.7 No-smoking-vaping
9.1 Valuing diversity and promoting equality
9.2 Supporting children with special educational needs
10.1 St Michael’s Pre-School Prospectus
10.2 Admissions
10.5 Parental involvement
10.6 Children’s records
10.7 Provider records
10.8 Transfer of records to school
10.9 Confidentiality and client access to records
10.10 Information sharing
10.11 Working in partnership with other agencies
10.12 Making a complaint
10.13 Childcare terms and conditions

8.3 Supervision of children on outings and visits .docx

8.4 Risk assessment.docx

1.1 Childrens rights and entitlements.docx (1)